I love theatre, both on and off the stage. I’ve reviewed shows for Everything Theatre and Official Theatre, and interviewed artists for local radio.

Review: Bat out of Hell the Musical
Theatre, Review Hanna Kemsley-Gilbert Theatre, Review Hanna Kemsley-Gilbert

Review: Bat out of Hell the Musical

When I took my seat to watch Bat out of Hell the Musical, I willingly put all pre-conceptions aside, ready for whatever this production was going to bring. A single spotlight on the stage, a voice tearing through the auditorium “I remember everything!!!!’, and we’re off to a good start… 

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Review: Beautiful Thing
Theatre, Review Hanna Kemsley-Gilbert Theatre, Review Hanna Kemsley-Gilbert

Review: Beautiful Thing

It’s been a long time since I’ve set foot in a theatre and I’m sure I don’t need to explain why - the last year or so has not been what you’d call ‘recreational’.

So imagine my delight when I discovered I could watch theatre from home and yes, even review it.

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Theatre, Review Hanna Kemsley-Gilbert Theatre, Review Hanna Kemsley-Gilbert


TESTOSTERONE is an award-winning collaboration between Rhum and Clay Theatre Company and Kit Redstone. I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Kit, so when I went along to the ‘pay what you can’ showing at Hertford Theatre, I had some idea of what to expect… or at least, I thought I did!

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